how to order custom car cover USAYour vehicle is more than just a mode of transportation; it's an investment, a statement of your style, and often, a source of pride. Whether you own a classic car, a luxury sedan, a sports car, or an everyday vehicle, protecting it from the elements is crucial to maintaining its beauty and value. This is where custom car covers come into play. In this blog post, we'll guide you through the process of ordering the perfect custom car cover to safeguard your automotive treasure.

Why Custom Car Covers Matter

Before diving into the ordering process, let's discuss why custom car covers are a must for any vehicle owner.

1. Tailored Fit
Generic car covers may provide some level of protection, but nothing beats a cover that's designed specifically for your vehicle. Custom car covers are tailored to the exact dimensions of your car, ensuring a snug fit that shields every inch from dirt, dust, and weather-related damage.

2. Enhanced Protection
The materials used for custom car covers are carefully selected to provide optimal protection against various threats. From UV rays that can fade your paint to rain and snow that can cause rust, a custom-fit cover acts as a barrier between your vehicle and the elements.

3. Preserving Resale Value
If you plan to sell your vehicle in the future, keeping it in top condition is essential. A well-maintained car, protected by a custom cover, is more likely to retain its resale value and attract potential buyers.

4. Convenience
Custom car covers are designed with convenience in mind. They often come with features like mirror and antenna pockets, making installation and removal a breeze.

Now that we understand the importance of custom car covers, let's explore the steps to order one that suits your needs perfectly.

Step 1: Determine Your Needs

Before you can order a custom car cover, you need to know what you're protecting your vehicle from. Different climates and storage conditions require different types of covers. Here are some factors to consider:

1. Weather Conditions

Rain: If you live in a rainy area, you'll want a cover that's waterproof and breathable to prevent mold and mildew.
Sun: In sunny regions, UV protection is crucial to prevent paint fading and interior damage.
Snow: For colder climates with snow, a cover that can withstand heavy moisture is essential.
Dust and Dirt: If your primary concern is keeping your car clean in a dusty or dirty environment, a lightweight cover with good dust protection is ideal.

2. Storage

Indoor: If your car is stored in a garage, you may require a different cover than if it's parked outdoors.
Outdoor: Outdoor covers should be weather-resistant and sturdy, capable of withstanding wind and rain.

3. Usage Frequency
Consider how often you use your vehicle. If it's your daily driver, you might want a cover that's easy to put on and take off. For a vehicle that's rarely driven, a more substantial cover could be suitable.

Step 2: Configure your car cover

how to order custom car cover USANow comes the fun part—adding custom features to your car cover. These features are designed to enhance the cover's functionality and convenience. Some popular options include:

1. Select your model / year. Please provide as much details as possible, especially if your car has been customized or modified. 

2. Select the color of your cover and if you would like to add color piping (only available for indoor covers)

3. Mirror and Antenna Pockets
If your vehicle has exterior accessories like side mirrors or antennas, please mention it. For classic cars if you can provide pictures it would be of great help to our team.

4. Cable and Lock Kit (only for outdoor covers)
This accessory helps keep your cover securely in place, especially in windy conditions.

5. Inscriptions
If you would like to include any inscriptions on your cover please mark this option. Our team will be in touch shortly after the order is received to validate the design with you.

Step 3: Review Your Order
Before finalizing your order, carefully review all the details. Ensure that the model, material, color, and custom features match your requirements. It's crucial to double-check your selections to avoid any surprises when your custom car cover arrives.

Step 4: Place Your Order
Once you've confirmed that all the details are correct, it's time to place your order. Cover Company offers easy online ordering systems that guide you through the process step by step. Simply input your vehicle's details, select your preferences, and complete the purchase.

Step 5: Wait for Delivery
After placing your order, all that's left to do is wait for your custom car cover to arrive. The manufacturing process typically takes 10-15 days, as the cover is made to order. While you wait, it's a good idea to prepare your vehicle by cleaning it thoroughly and ensuring it's free of dirt and debris.

Step 6: Enjoy Your Custom Car Cover
Once your custom car cover arrives, you can start enjoying the benefits of superior vehicle protection. Installing it on your car is a straightforward process, especially with a cover that's tailored to fit precisely.

Ordering a custom car cover from Cover Company is an investment in the longevity and beauty of your vehicle. By carefully considering your needs, selecting the right material, and adding custom features, you can ensure that your custom car cover provides the perfect protection for your prized possession. With your vehicle safeguarded from the elements, you'll enjoy peace of mind knowing that it will remain in excellent condition for years to come.